On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 11:24, Michael Mulligan wrote:
> The script that I will distribute will always make use of a very particular
> directory structure. In "imageDir", there will always be a specifically
> named XML file that points to a bunch of images in the directory. However,
> given security checks that I put in my script, not all of those images
> should be publicly viewable. However, if a savvy user were to just load this
> XML doc up in their web browser, they will have a complete listing of URLs
> to all of my images. I cannot modify this XML file.  (which is why I want to
> block a user from loading, say myserver.com/imageDir/picture.jpg)
> Will your proposed idea still work in this situation?

Yes--but you need to make the image inaccessible to the outside (simply
put them in a folder that can't be seen from the web).

Here's an example. Suppose you have a script called page.php that needs
an image called img.jpg. Instead of calling img.jpg, you call another
script, serveimage.php as follows:

<img src="serveimage.php?img=img.jpg">

Now, in serveimage.php you do this:


$img = $_GET['img'];

// First, check that the user is not trying to trick us
// into revealing a file that we shouldn't reveal.
// Note: this is a *very* simplistic approach--you will probably
// want to add your own

if (substr ($img, '/'))
        die('Invalid file name');

// Now, check if the user has permission to this file. You don't
// explain how you do this, so I'll leave this to an external
// function called check_permission ($file) that returns true if the
// user is able to see that file and false otherwise

if (check_permission ($img))
        // Tell the browser this is an image
        // Note, you will probably have to change this depending
        // on the file type

        header ('Content-type: img/jpg');
        readfile ($img);
        die ("Unauthorized access");


Essentially, what I'm doing is I'm replacing a file with a script that
first checks the permissions and then, if the user is authorized,
outputs the file to the browser. This way, if the user is not authorized
to download a file, it will be blocked. Obviously, the files themselves
should be inaccessible to the web *except* through your scripts.

Hope it's a bit clearer now!



Marco Tabini

Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.
28 Bombay Ave.
Toronto, ON M3H 1B7

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