Greetings all,

My database has one table with three fields i.e. ClientID, ClientName
and Distance .

I`m trying to get all the field data printed to a form but whenever I
try to add the "ClientID" and "Distance" fields to the code below it
bombs out with the following error :

Parse error: parse error in /home/data/ClientWebs/chrisplay/main.php on
line 27

Full code is below :

  //Connect to DB  
  include("inc_ConnectDB.php") ;

  //Make SQL Statement
  $SqlGetClient = "Select * from Client" ;
  $ResGetClient = mysql_query($SqlGetClient) ;

  //If any errors then print `em out
  if (!$ResGetClient)
   echo("<P>Error performing query: " .         mysql_error() . "</P>");

  //While there are records to fetch.....                
  while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($ResGetClient) )
   //  THIS IS LINE 27
  //....print them out to page
  echo $row['ClientID'].['ClientName'].['Distance']. '<hr>';

Muchos grassy-arse for any assistance...... 

Chris Blake
Office : (011) 782-0840
Cell : 083 985 0379
It is reported that somewhere in the world, every 15 seconds, a woman
gives birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.

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