
In response to your mail of Monday 17 February 2003 at 18:54:02:

JH> My problem is the characters in spanish:

JH> example:

JH> Construcción (Data of MsSQL Server)
JH> Result in web with PHP:
JH> Construcci¢n  

Are you aware of HTML codes like the following - some are the common
ones most people know, but there are some rarer characters too?

® ®        © ©       ¡ ¡      ¢ ¢       £ £
¤ ¤     ¥ ¥        ¦ ¦     § §       ¨ ¨
ª ª       « «      ¬ ¬        ­ ­        ¯ ¯
° °        ± ±     ² ²       ³ ³       ´ ´
µ µ      ¶ ¶       · ·     ¸ ¸      ¹ ¹
º º       » »      ¼ ¼     ½ ½     ¾ ¾
¿ ¿     × ×      Ø Ø     Þ Þ      ÷ ÷
ø ø     þ þ      € €       Ð Ð        æ æ
è è     é é     ç ç     ü ü       ö ö
& &        ‘ ‘      ’ ’      " "       ' '
< &lt;         > &gt;         – &ndash;      — &mdash;

Maybe you can str_replace or strtr (or some other similar function) to
get your international characters in the MySQL data converted to HTML?

Best regards,

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