> From: "1LT John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I'm using sessions for authentication in a content management system and
>> experiencing rare but occasional problems with the session apparently
>> expiring unexpectedly. I've checked the manual and I've reviewed the
> session
>> configuration on the commericial host I'm using. I don't see anything
> wrong,
>> but there are some settings that I don't understand:
>> session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 -- Garbage collection after 24 minutes? Does
>> this mean that the session id and session variables will be cleared after
> 24
>> minutes of inactivity? (Surely not; that doesn't make sense.) And cleared
>> from where, the directory specified in session.save_path?
> Yes and Yes. After 1440 seconds of not being accessed, they are deleted the
> next time the garbage collection routine is ran.

So how did my tests of going up to 2 hours without activity succeed?

>> session.save_path /tmp -- The session id and session variables are stored
> in
>> this directory, and it's more secure to specify a different directory. Is
> it
>> more stable to specify a different directory? Is it more stable to use a
>> database?
> Depends on what else your server is doing and how much traffic you get. If
> you get a lot of traffic, there are going to be a lot of session files
> sitting in this directory. Keeping it separate from /tmp will just reduce
> the number of files in the directory.
> A database adds to much overhead and is only needed in special cases, IMO.
>> session.cache_expire 180 -- The cache expires after 3 hours? If
>> session.cache_limiter is set to nocache, is session.cache_expire relevant?
> Not sure on that one, but it seems logical.
>> Basically, I want users to be able to stay logged in to the content
>> management system indefinitely, but my tests show that after about 2 hours
>> of inactivity, the session expires. (Going to a different page causes the
>> session variable that identifies the user to be checked with
>> session_is_registered(), and access is denied if the variable isn't
>> registered.) Some users have reported this happening after about 30
> minutes.
> Garbage collection isn't exact. It's triggered (by default) on 1% of the
> hits to your site. So if two are triggered close together, then someone can
> be logged out rather quickly at 30 minutes. If there is a long pause where
> the probability just doesn't trigger the garbage collection, then it may
> take longer.
>> I'm on LInux, PHP 4.1.2, session.cookie_lifetime setting is 0,
>> session.use_cookies setting is On, session.use_trans_sid setting is 1, and
>> other configurations as mentioned above. Why are sessions expiring?
> Comments
>> and directions to more information are appreciated.
> Sessions are lost when the file is cleaned up by garbage collection or when
> the user closes the browser (by default). So, if you wanted to use the
> existing session handling routines, you could set the cookie lifetime to a
> large value so the cookie isn't deleted and set the gc_maxlifetime to a
> large value, also. You could possibly turn the gc_probability to zero, go
> garbage collection is never triggered.
> Another option would be to use session_save_path() within your application
> to save the session files to a separate directory that's writable by the web
> server. Since this directory is different from session.save_path specified
> in php.ini, garbage collection will never occur, so the files will not be
> deleted.

This seems like the answer I was looking for. So the setting
session.gc_maxlifetime only relates to garbage collection from the /tmp
directory? If I use session_save_path() to define a different directory for
saving session data, then garbage collection will never occur for that

> You can also define your own session handler to do what you want.
> Why not just use a cookie to "remember me" though, instead of keeping the
> sessions persistant? You're going to end up with a file on your computer for
> _every_ person that visits the site and the file will not go away. Seems
> like it'd be better to just use a cookie and load their data if it's not
> already present, like on their first visit.

This is for a content management system, with less than 10 people authorized
to access it, so I don't see the number of session files as a problem.

Thanks for the info.

Lowell Allen

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