> I was looking through php.ini and noticed that show_error was set to Off.
> turned it On, and now I see these errors on one of my pages:
> Notice: Use of undefined constant option - assumed 'option' in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/tyler/encodeDecode.php on line 37
> Notice: Undefined index: option in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/tyler/encodeDecode.php on line 37
> Here's line 37-42:
> if ($_GET[option] == "") {
>  print "<font face=Arial size=4><b>Add Credit Card</b></font><br>";
>  print "<form method=POST action=encodeDecode.php?option=encrypt>
>  <font face=Arial size=2><b>Credit Card Number:</b></font> <input
> name=cc><br>
>  <input type=submit value=Add></form>";
> }
> What's wrong with that?

Where you have $_GET[option], PHP is assuming that _option_ is a constant,
since strings have quotes around them (array indexes are strings). Since
there is no constant with that name, though, PHP will then assume that you
meant to use a string.

The second "warning" is caused because there is no index in the _GET array
named "option", so it's an "undefined index"

You should be using this:

{ //code... }

---John Holmes...

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