At 00:26 24.02.2003, Sebastian said:
>I have a php script with an include(""); it includes a
>bit of perl, but will not include it if I do it using /home/path/ only full
>URL, and when i use the full URL it causes one of my other php includes not
>to function correctly.
>unfortunately, I do not think <!--#include file="
>will work inside a .php file.. any solutions?

I believe you cannot direct Apache to allow both PHP and the server-parsed
handler to work on the same URL. You could however execute your perl script
as URL with PHP being the client, and add the output of this script to the
output of your page, something like

   // do some stuff
   // now call your script
   $buffer = null;
   $hf = fopen('http://localhost/', 'r');
   if ($hf) {
      while ($chunk = fread($hf, 4096))
         $buffer .= $chunk;
   // include the script's output in your page
   echo $buffer;

This is basically what Apache does when it encounters an SSI directive.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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