hi list,
i'm working on my local WAMP on a PHP module to fit in a cms, and i fail to understand what is taking the browser so much time _after_ the page is completely visible. Statusbar says still loading the page. Javascript links and the refresh function of the browser are reluctant.

When i stop downloading, and look at the source, the page is in untill the last tag.

This is what i checked:
* with Phoenix (small version of mozilla) i loked at 'page info': as far as i can tell all images seem to exist.
* the table and page structure is ok, Dreamweaver has no complaints.
* it happens also when i turn off javascript in the internet explorer, so it is not a javascript on-the-run.

If i save the entire page to disk and open it as a file:, it is very quick.

Any ideas where to look now?


PS OT but while i tried to debug this situation, i changed several IE security settings and options and now it wants to download files from localhost in stead of show them. it starts asking whether want to open it, then choice open/save and then it asks with what i want to open it. Pretty annoying!

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