At 17:49 25-2-03, you wrote:
Hi guys, I have installed a test sever from those guys are
on my Windows XP Machine at home to test websites on http://localhost.

The only problem is the forms are not passing on the variables. I have used
the same scripts on a webserver and they work fine. Could anyone tell me
what I should check so that these variables are passed thru? Has anybody
come across this problem before?

The most likely reason is that PHP has more secure way of making form variables available since PHP 4.10. To use the old way i think you had to edit php.ini and set register_globals=On.

Check this by having a page after a form with element name 'test' with this line
echo $_POST['test'];
because that is the new way.

Explained on

[gee, the net is slow now, can all these Americans please go back to bed :) ]

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