Hello all,

    I am having problems with a script.  The script works great on one of my
sights, however, when I transferred it to another site, it does not
function.  I contacted my hosting company (both sites are on the same
server), they told me that I needed to check the script and that it has
nothing to do with them, since they ran a  test.php and it worked fine.
   Here is the script:



$ToSubject = "Flash Contact Form";

$EmailBody = "Sent By: $FirstName\nSenders Email: $Email\n\nMessage

mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $EmailBody, "From: ".$FirstName."


Please if anyone knows anything about this stuff (Im a newbie to this) You
help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
mark johnson

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