Can anyone reproduce this problem?

I am involved in running a large forum, and ever since our upgrade to PHP 4.3.1, there have been fairly random issues with getimagesize(). It happens only on certain images it seems. However, it wasn't happening with 4.2. When using the following code:

echo "$retval[0] $retval[1] $retval[3] \n\n\n";

I get echo'd back. It does go an fetch the image according to a tcpdump, but something fails after that. That is an example of one of the images that is failing.

I am running PHP 4.3.1 w/ Apache 1.3.27 on FreeBSD 4.7. Is there something I'm missing? Is this a bug as I think it is?

Thanks in advance!


Jason DiCioccio     - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Useless .sig
Open Domain Service - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    -
Ruby                - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -

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