> --------------------[snip]--------------------
> >Not to be nosey or anything but "usually" session data will always be saved
> >or not. How come one would want to check to see if is was or not.
> --------------------[snip]-------------------- 

Maybe I am on the wrong track but the other day I got a "disk full" error when I was 
sending some mail... at the same time while my website was working, it wasnt saving 
session data, so users were getting sent back to the login page instead of going on to 
use the site.

What I was hoping to do was to be able to give a error message if the server was 
having this problem, but in order to do that I was needing a way of knowing if it was 
because the session_start failed or users who didnt have cookies turned on.

I probably just need to get a new host since these disk full errors happen regularly. 

Mr P.

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