
Please read the below query and the information that I have mentioned. This is really weird...

select date_format(date_add(arrivaldate1, INTERVAL nights1 DAY), '%Y-

%m-%d') as dept_date1 from mytable where ('dept_date1' BETWEEN

'2003-02-01' AND '2003-02-10')

When it goes to database the values will be substituted as follows for 1 row:

select date_format(date_add('2003-01-31', INTERVAL 5 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d')

as dept_date1 from mytable where ('dept_date1' BETWEEN '2003-02-01' AND


which should return 1 row since, the query will return
dept_date1 = '2003-02-05' which falls between the dates '2003-02-01' AND


but I am getting 0 result.

SO then I tried,

select date_format(date_add('2003-01-31', INTERVAL 5 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d')

as dept_date1 from mytable where ('dept_date1' >= '2003-02-01')


then I tried,

select date_format(date_add('2003-01-31', INTERVAL 5 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d')

as dept_date1 from mytable where ('dept_date1' <= '2003-02-10')

IT gave 0 result

then I tried,

select date_format(date_add('2003-01-31', INTERVAL 5 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d')

as dept_date1 from mytable where ('dept_date1' >='2003-02-01' AND

'dept_date1' <= '2003-02-10')

IT gave 0 result

What could be the problem, could anybody help me please...


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