This is a forwarded message
From: Tom Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Richard Kurth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2003, 5:59:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] Help!! with array's Please

===8<==============Original message text===============

Saturday, March 1, 2003, 4:28:27 PM, you wrote:
RK> Hello Tom,
RK> I would love to see a basic class to do all of this. I took what you
RK> showed me and turned it into a function that works perfect.
RK> The one thing that I have had a lot of trouble with is manipulating
RK> text based data. And out of all the books I have, none of them get
RK> into doing this type of programing.

Here it is

class groupClass {
        var $groups = array();
        var $gid = 499;         //if there are no groups, new ones start at this 
number +1
        function groupClass($file){
                $r = false;
                        $in = file($file);
                        //build an array using names as keys so we can identify 
entries easier
                        while(list($key,$val) = each($in)){
                                $val = trim($val);      //get rid of newlines
                                list($name,$pass,$gid,$userlist) = split (":", $val);
                                if($gid > $this->gid){
                                        $this->gid = $gid;              //keep track 
of the highest gid number
                                $this->groups[$name]['gid'] = $gid;
                                $this->groups[$name]['pass'] = $pass;
                                $users = explode(',',$userlist);        //get an array 
of users
                                while(list($key2,$user) = each($users)){
                                        // build an array using name as key
                                        $this->groups[$name]['users'][$user] = 1;
                        $r = true;
                        //echo '<pre>';
                        //echo '</pre>';
                Return $r;
        function addGroup($group,$gid = 0,$pass = 'x'){
                $r = false;
                        $gid = ($gid > 0)? $gid : $this->gid +1;        // if no gid 
then generate the next highest
                        $this->groups[$group]['gid'] = $gid;
                        $this->groups[$group]['pass'] = $pass;
                        $r = true;
                Return $r;
        function delGroup($group){
                $r = false;
                        $r = true;
                Return $r;
        function addUser($group,$user){
                $r = false;
                        $this->groups[$group]['users'][$user] = 1;
                        $r = true;
                Return $r;
        function delUser($group,$user){
                $r = false;
                        $r = true;
                Return $r;
        function dump($file){
                $r = false;
                if($handle = fopen($file,'w')){
                        $groups = $this->groups;        //get a copy of the groups 
array (saves typing :)
                        //echo '<pre>';
                        //echo '</pre>';
                        while(list($key,$val) = each($groups)){ //go through the groups
                                $users = $groups[$key]['users'];                       
 //get a copy of the users array
                                $x = 0;
                                $userlist = '';
                                while(list($key2,$val2) = each($users)){        // add 
the users
                                        $userlist .= ($x > 0)? ','.$key2 : $key2; // 
don't need a comma for the first run
                                $gid = $groups[$key]['gid'];
                                $pass = $groups[$key]['pass'];
                                $list = $key.':'.$pass.':'.$gid.':'.$userlist."\n"; // 
make the entry
                                fputs($handle,$list);   //save it
                        $r = true;
                Return $r;

$g = new groupClass('group');
$g ->addGroup('site8');
$g ->addUser('site8','fred');


===8<===========End of original message text===========

 Tom                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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