I'm building a site that allows ppl to upload images. PHP was compiled with the GD lib so I'm able to verify all sorts of info about the image for validation. However, I was wondering if there is a way to convert a non-jpeg image to jpeg just by using the GD functions as opposed to using unix command line utilities and system/exec functions (the hosting company doesn't like that, and personally, i don't like the 'cross ur fingers' aspect of php/commandline stuff).
Some browsers don't like some image types and we're trying to make jpg the standard extension, though we allow ppl to upload BMP, TIF, GIF, PNG, and JPG files.
I can get the image and put it where I want on the server, but is there a way to finesse the GD lib to create a jpeg from whatever image type they upload? If someone just has an idea that may or may not work, I'm open to suggestions, pseudo-code is welcome. Seems that somewhere in the GD lib's capabilities there's a way to squeeze out what i want, but I can't grasp it.
Thank you,

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