At 21:25 02.03.2003, Sunfire said:
>i guess this is a php related question (well sort of)  the person i work
>with decided that he was going to edit a few of my php scripts that make a

... oh my god.

>he told me a few things that i dont quite understand (or for that matter i
>dont belive what he says is really true)..
>he said:
>1. on the instance about testing certain conditions to determine what page
>to show..frames or a frameset can do exactly the same thing...i told him no
>it didnt (who is right?)

Framesets are HTML constructs to divide a browser window in adjacent areas
to display more than one page at the same time. There's nothing what a
frameset construct can do to implement any logic - the page that's shown in
a frame is available in the "src" tag.

>2. he asked me in the scripts that have 3 or more pages built into them how
>was the logo at the top of the page being shown.. i just told him that i
>used normal html and put the logo at the top of the pages.. he said frames
>wont let you do that (who is right??)

Not within the frameset, of course... if you have a frameset you don't have
a body, that's it.

>so im confused about that one.. he also said that plain html had an if else
>statement in it.. i never heard of such a thing...

Never heard such bullshit.

>can somebody get me unconfused? and is it not really a good idea to have 3
>or more pages built inside a php script? should the pages be called from the
>script some way else?

Boy - some of my applicatinos server a couple of hundred pages out of a
single script (from the database, that is)...

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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