
Friday, March 7, 2003, 12:27:27 AM, you wrote:
SJ> Been on this a couple of hours... anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
SJ> I get a result of 1 when I echo $result but it doesn't want to update at
SJ> all.
SJ> The action of this form index.php?action=update-account is just a switch
SJ> case 
SJ> Which asks you to use the function update_subscriber_account() below...

SJ> <form method='post' action='index.php?action=update-account'>
SJ>    <input type='hidden' name='old_id' value='$email'>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <th colspan = 2 bgcolor = '#5B69A6'>
SJ>         $title 
SJ>      </th>
SJ>    </tr>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <td>Real Name:</td>
SJ>      <td><input type = text name='new_realname' maxlength = 100 
SJ>           value ='$realname'></td>
SJ>    </tr>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <td>Preferred Name:</td>
SJ>      <td><input type = text name='new_nickname' maxlength = 100 
SJ>           value ='$nickname'></td>
SJ>    </tr>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <td>Company:</td>
SJ>      <td><input type = text name='new_company' maxlength = 100 
SJ>           value ='$company'></td>
SJ>    </tr>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <td>Email Address:</td>
SJ>      <td><input type = text name='new_email' maxlength = 100 
SJ>           value ='$email'></td>
SJ>    </tr>
SJ>    <tr>
SJ>      <td>Requested Email Format:</td>";
SJ>      echo "<td><select name='new_mimetype'><option"; 
SJ>        if ($mimetype == 'T') 
SJ>           echo " selected";
SJ>        echo ">Text Only<option";
SJ>        if ($mimetype == 'H') 
SJ>           echo " selected";
SJ>        echo ">HTML</select></td>";
SJ>     print "</tr>
SJ>         <tr>
SJ>                 <td colspan=2 align=center>";
SJ>     display_form_button('save-changes');
SJ>     print "</td></tr></form></table></center><br>";
SJ>         }
SJ> }

SJ> function update_subscriber_account()
SJ> {

SJ> db_connect();
SJ> $query = "update subscribers 
SJ>                         set email = '$new_email',
SJ>                         nickname = '$new_nickname',
SJ>                         fullname = '$new_realname',
SJ>                         company = '$new_company',
SJ>                         mimetype = '$new_mimetype'
SJ>                         where email = '$old_id'";
SJ> $result = mysql_query($query)or die("Error: Could not update
SJ> query<BR>$query<BR>".mysql_error());
SJ> if (!$result)
SJ>         {
SJ>         echo "An error occurred when trying to update the DB";
SJ>         }
SJ>         else
SJ>         {
SJ>         echo "$result & Successfully updated the details";
SJ>         }
SJ> }

You will need to use the global vars and also escape quotes like this:

function update_subscriber_account()
 $new_email = addslashes($_POST['new_email']);
$query = "update subscribers

                        set email = '$new_email',


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