Sascha Nigro wrote:

./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
--with-mysql --enable-sockets --enable-ftp --with-bz2

What happened when you ran that configure command. Were there any errors reported? Were you able to run make succesfully? Did you install it afterward? What platform are you on?

There must be some indication of what's happening in the error_log. Are you looking at the right one? From the above it looks like your logs should be in /usr/local/apache2/logs/. Try running:

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl configtest

See what that tells you. If it says that your syntax is OK, then start it with:

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

See what that says.

Matt M.

The only error, who comes during the compiling-process, is the following:

/root/php-4.3.5/ext/standard/var_unserializer.c: In function
/root/php-4.3.5/ext/standard/var_unserializer.c:308: warning: comparison is
always false due to limited range of data type.

That is not an error, it's a warning. My question was did configure complete without stopping on any errors.

In the error-log of apache2 is just one error about sslsessioncache. In the
debug-loglevel comes nothing too.

But if tried to put an # in front of LoadModule php4_module
modules/ Then apache2 is starting without problems. I cant
explain it.

You didn't answer all of my questions. You are not providing enough information for anyone to help you. Going on the limited information you have provided, I am assuming that you did the usual './configure && make && make install', and that it was succesful. Since you say that there are no errors given by apachectl, I am left to assume that apache *is* starting fine. What exactly makes you think it isn't? More info please.

Matt M.

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