Commit:    00bc9e96cb46224d137b8bbd0f5773776197adba
Author:    Peter Cowburn <>         Sun, 8 Jun 2014 
15:26:11 +0100
Parents:   6bccfafb6e4bcfef2d61f140ea458e4dccbddd7a
Branches:  master


icons for people

Changed paths:
  A  fonts/people.eot
  A  fonts/people.svg
  A  fonts/people.ttf
  A  fonts/people.woff

diff --git a/fonts/people.eot b/fonts/people.eot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f6ce7c
Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/people.eot differ
diff --git a/fonts/people.svg b/fonts/people.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022c7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/people.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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94 70-52c9-7 19-10 29-10 10 0 20 3 29 10l70 52z m0 20l-112 84 112 84z m-205 
34c-5-4-12-6-19-6-7 0-14 2-19 6l-66 50-14 10-125 94 0 0c0 18 14 32 32 32l384 
0c18 0 32-14 32-32z"/>
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11 7 18 7 7 0 13-3 18-7 17-17 38-13 62 12 0 0 81 80 81 80 10 9 15 20 15 32 0 
13-5 24-15 32-8 9-17 14-28 16-11 2-22-2-31-11 0 0-26-25-26-25-5-5-11-7-18-7-7 
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23-31 46-14 22-27 44-38 66-12 22-22 47-31 76-9 28-14 53-14 76 0 35 12 66 37 90 
25 25 56 38 91 38m0-199c19 0 36 7 49 21 14 13 21 30 21 49 0 19-7 35-21 48-13 
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19-13 32l0 137 192 0 0-46c0-5 2-9 5-13 4-3 8-5 13-5l92 0c5 0 9 2 13 5 3 4 5 8 5 
13l0 46z m-219 0l0-37-74 0 0 37z m219 137l0-110-512 0 0 110c0 13 4 23 13 32 9 9 
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256-36 0 0-256c-10 0-20 1-29 4-10 3-18 6-25 9-7 4-13 8-19 12-6 3-10 6-12 9l-5 
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84-50 49c-3 4-5 8-5 13 0 5 2 10 5 13 4 4 8 6 13 6 5 0 9-2 13-6l49-49 242 0 49 
49c4 4 8 6 13 6 5 0 9-2 13-6 3-3 5-8 5-13 0-5-2-9-5-13l-50-49 0-84 64 0c5 0 
10-2 13-5 4-4 6-8 6-13z m-138 164l-182 0c0 26 8 47 26 65 18 18 40 27 65 27 25 0 
47-9 65-27 18-18 26-39 26-65z"/>
diff --git a/fonts/people.ttf b/fonts/people.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d17275
Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/people.ttf differ
diff --git a/fonts/people.woff b/fonts/people.woff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6871728
Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/people.woff differ

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