I wish to submit the following announcement for php[world]

NOTE:  I submitted an announcement for the Call for Papers for
php[world] back in May - and it never got published.   Please if
possible publish this one promptly :-D   Thanks,


Image to use:

Link for image:

Title to use:
    php[world] in Washington, D.C.

Description HTML to use:

<p>The team at <a href="http://www.phparch.com/"; title="php[architect] :
Magazine, Training, Books, Conferences">php[architect]</a> is excited to
announce our new conference: <a href="http://world.phparch.com/";
title="php[world] conference">php[world]</a>!  This conference, is being
designed to bring together all of the various PHP communities into one
place to share ideas together.

<p>Whether you are a core PHP developer, or use WordPress, Drupal,
Magento, Joomla!, Symfony, Laravel, Zend Framework or another framework.
 This conference has a track specifically for you!  Check out our
published <a href="http://world.phparch.com/schedule/";>schedule</a> and
<a href="http://world.phparch.com/speakers/";>speaker list</a> to see all
the sessions available.</p>

<p>The conference takes place on November 10-14, 2014 in Washington, DC,
USA.  It features a Training Day, Tutorial Day, and 3 days full of
sessions & keynotes.  Our Training day includes full day trainings on
WordPress, Web Security, and an Introduction to PHP.</p>

<p>We've recently announced our <a
lineup</a> as well, including:</p>
        <li><b>Angela Byron</b> - @webchick - Core Contributor to Drupal</li>
        <li><b>Andrew Nacin</b> - @nacin - Lead Developer on WordPress</li>
        <li><b>Jeffrey 'jam' McQuire</b> - @horncologne - Open Source
Evangelist for Acquia</li>
        <li><b>Luke Stokes</b> - @lukestokes - Founder and CTO of FoxyCart</li>
        <li>Plus we will be ending the conference with the
<b><i>biggest</i></b> panel around.  Featuring key notables from at
least seven different of the most popular PHP applications and
frameworks to discuss, debate, and answer your questions.</li>

<p>For more information and to purchase your tickets, head over to
<a href="http://world.phparch.com/";>world.phparch.com</a> and we look
forward to seeing you in D.C.!<>/p>


Please let me know if you need anything else.  Thank you,

Eli White
Managing Editor & Conference Chair : php[architect] http://phparch.com/
Founding Partner & CTO : Musketeers.me http://musketeers.me/

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