Hannes - Happy to help out.  I will fill out that form, and issue a
subscribe request to php-webmaster.


On 8/27/14, 1:13 PM, Hannes Magnusson wrote:
> We've been looking for someone to do this for a long long time as we
> simply don't have the time for it.
> I thought I finally found someone (Amy Stephen) but that didn't work
> out so well after we set her up with karma.
> Eli and Beth: I'd really appreciate if you guys could take over.
> Please fill out the form on http://php.net/git-php.php
> -Hannes
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Peter Cowburn <petercowb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 27 August 2014 16:40, Eli <e...@musketeers.me> wrote:
>>> Hello again, I hate to be a squeaky wheel here.   But I've now sent
>>> multiple posts for php.net/conferences for my conference, php[world],
>>> and nothing has still been published.
>>> I submitted in May, with a reminder to publish in June .. And that CfP
>>> based post never made it up.   Last week I submitted a general
>>> announcement, and this is the second 'reminder' I've sent, and it's
>>> still not been published yet, nor have I heard back about it.
>>> Again, I hate to be squeaky, but we conference organizers rely on being
>>> posted on php.net given that many have come to treat that list as the
>>> official-one-stop-shop for looking for conferences to attend.
>>> Being familiar with how important this is for organizers ... I would be
>>> HAPPY to offer to help out in getting these published to the website in
>>> timely manner.  I'd just need to be given the 'how' and the 'access' to
>>> do so.
>> In lieu of a link to give you the 'how', here's a short list:
>> 1. git clone git://git.php.net/web/php.git phpweb
>> 2. cd phpweb
>> 3. run ./bin/createNewsEntry following instructions it gives
>> 4. commit! or, submit pull request, or attach patch to an email to this list
>> You won't be able to commit yet (obviously), until given access but I doubt
>> that those who can give access would say no.  In the mean time, you
>> cancreate PRs on Github (to http://github.com/php/web-php) or be old-school
>> and attach a patch to mails.
>> Any questions, just ask.. on-list, privately, in IRC (#php.doc on Efnet)....
>> Cheers,
>> Peter
>>> Thank you,
>>> Eli
>>> --
>>> Eli White
>>> Managing Editor & Conference Chair : php[architect] : phparch.com
>>> Founding Partner & CTO : musketeers.me

Eli White
Managing Editor & Conference Chair : php[architect] : phparch.com
Founding Partner & CTO : musketeers.me

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