On 08.08.2018 at 12:34, dj.drezyna wrote:

> Under address:
> http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
> Is: 
> // only values are compared
> $a = (object) ["a" => "b"]; 
> $b = (object) ["b" => "b"]; 
> echo $a <=> $b; // 1
> ?>
> Shouldn't be?:
> // only values are compared
> $a = (object) ["a" => "b"]; 
> $b = (object) ["b" => "b"]; 
> echo $a <=> $b; // 0
> ?>
> If we compare values b and b is the same...

The result is correct, but the comment is wrong.  This is fixed in SVN

Thanks for reporting this issue.  Please, use <https://bugs.php.net/>
next time.

[1] <http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=345447>

Christoph M. Becker

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