
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.  Extends is not something
I'm aware of being supported.  The SCA_AnnotationReader uses
get_class_methods to return the methods which the class may expose
(depends on whether they're public or are restricted using an
interface).  I haven't tried it yet, but my guess is this doesn't
return methods defined by the parent class.  If this is the case, then
this code would need updating to include parent classes when
determining the candidate methods to be exposed.

I hope this helps.


On 21 Dec 2007, 15:24, aouriques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know how can I use the "extends" for services.
> I have a Customer service that extends the User service.
> /**
> ....
>  * @service
>  * @binding.soap
>  * @locationhttp://mydomain.com/SOA/Customer.php
> */
> class Customer extends User {
> ...
> }
> What should I add into the comments or what should I to do when using
> an extension?
> When I use the Customer alone it works fine, but when I use the
> Customer with the extension the WSDL is not generated.
> Thank you!
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