
Try item['value'] instead of item.value inside the php: block; the dot
is translated as -> which would be incorrect as your value is an array

On 3/19/09, Daniel Lima <cont...@daniellima.info> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the follow PHP script:
> <?php
> ...
> $datagrid = new Cilens_Grid;
> echo $datagrid.*resultsPerPage*; // 10, 20, 50 or 100..property set by
> $template->grid = $datagrid;
> ...
> ?>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> And a little part from my template code:
> ......
> <select name="resultsPerPage" id="resultsPerPage">
>         <option value=""
>                 tal:repeat="item *grid/pager/viewOptions*"
>                 tal:content="item/label"
>                 tal:attributes="value item/value; *selected php: item.value
> == grid.resultsPerPage*">100</option>
>     </select>
> The script runs normaly, the select options are filled with value and
> option....., but it do not set *selected* property.
> And the *grid.resultsPerPage* is realy correct, but it dont run in loop
> scope. I got the follow error message:
> Notice</b>:  Trying to get property of non-object in
> <b>C:\WINDOWS\Temp\tpl_123742909
> I tried:
> *selected php: repeat.item.value == grid.resultsPerPage*
> *selected php: item.value == grid.resultsPerPage* //as before
> *selected php: item/value == grid.resultsPerPage*
> *selected php: {item.value} == grid.resultsPerPage*
> And nothing,
> Note: the *grid/pager/viewOptions* is an array variable
> array(4) {
>   [0]=>
>   array(2) {
>     ["label"]=>
>     string(2) "10"
>     ["value"]=>
>     string(2) "10"
>   }
>   [1]=>
>   array(2) {
>     ["label"]=>
>     string(2) "20"
>     ["value"]=>
>     string(2) "20"
>   }
>   [2]=>
>   array(2) {
>     ["label"]=>
>     string(2) "50"
>     ["value"]=>
>     string(2) "50"
>   }
>   [3]=>
>   array(2) {
>     ["label"]=>
>     string(3) "100"
>     ["value"]=>
>     string(3) "100"
>   }
> }
> Can you help me?
> Regards,
> .......
> --
> Daniel Lima
> Web Developer


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