Hi there!
I've been playing around with some classes I've built and now I'm getting
some problems with PHPTAL integration. The problem is very simple:
how do I access methods of my objects from inside the template?
Is there any simple way to do that or do I have to modify the PHPTAL
What I mean is using (and using output) of something like $user->register()
or $user->getInfo() or $user->setAge(20).
Any ideas?

Of course I cannot use the '>' character to avoid breaking the XML
validity... I've tried a workaround building external PHP functions like
getAge($user){/*some stuff*/}, but that destroys all the easyness of using
classes :\
Thank you for any help!

Marco Pivetta - Ocramius Aethril
Standard Ogame Project - StOgame
Making Ogame a better place...
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