On 2 Dec 2009, at 16:16, hosema...@poczta.onet.pl wrote:

I am not deep in licences.
Does LGPL allows me to use PHPTAL in commrecial software which will be selled to customers.( internet shop)?


LGPL doesn't "infect" other software. Your commercial software can remain closed. Template files belong to you.

What am I obliged to do when using PHPTAL in commercial software?

I'm not a lawyer, but:

* if you modify PHPTAL and redistribute those modifications, then they become open-source. * your customers must be able to modify or replace PHPTAL. If you're using PHP obfuscators (like ioncube), you must leave PHPTAL unprotected.
* you should redistribute PHPTAL with its license (COPYING file).

regards, Kornel

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