Figured it out, never leave phptal, and come back to it.  Takes a while to get 
back into the groove.

On 03/17/2010 12:57 PM, Levi Stanley wrote:
> <input tal:repeat="item post" tal:attributes="name repeat/item/key;
> value php: item[(repeat.item.key)]"/>
> This seems to give the first character of the information in the items
> array.
> Output:
> <input name="task" value="v"/>
> <input name="display" value="s"/>
> <input name="display-next" value="s"/>
> <input name="username" value="u"/>
> <input name="email_address" value="e"/>
> <input name="password" value="t"/>
> <input name="birthday" value="1"/>
> <input name="cell_phone" value="("/>
> <input name="city" value="M"/>
> <input name="state" value="F"/>
> <input name="country" value="U"/>
> <input name="postal_code" value="3"/>
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