
Tks for everything, now up and running:

class BurnModelIterator implements Iterator
    protected $obj, $current;

    public function __construct(PhpBURN_Core $obj) {
        $this->obj = &$obj;

    function rewind() {

    function current() {
        return $this->current = $this->obj;

    function key() {
        return $this->obj->getDialect()->getPointer();

    function next() {
        return $this->obj->fetch();

    function valid() {
        if($this->obj->getDialect()->getPointer() >
$this->obj->getDialect()->getLast() ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;


Best Regards
Klederson Bueno

2010/7/29 Kornel Lesiński <kor...@aardvarkmedia.co.uk>

> On 29-07-2010 at 16:09:52 Klederson Bueno <kleder...@klederson.com> wrote:
>  I have this framework ( www.phpburn.com ) and while i do: $obj->fetch()
>> it
>> returns true or false until while ends... however repeat works more as a
>> foreach and then i cant use this... how can i work with repeat working as
>> a while ?
> You can wrap it in an iterator:
> class WhileIterator implements Iterator
> {
>    protected $current, $obj;
>    function __construct($obj)
>    {
>       $this->obj = $obj;
>    }
>    function next()
>    {
>        $this->current = $this->obj->fetch() ? you_get_next_object_here() :
> false;
>    }
>    function current()
>    {
>        return $this->current;
>    }
>    function key()
>    {
>        return 'implement if you care';
>    }
>    function valid()
>    {
>        return !!$this->current;
>    }
>    function rewind()
>    {
>        $this->next(); // loads first object
>    }
> }
> You can also make custom expression modifier:
> function phptal_tales_while($expr, $nothrow)
> {
>        return 'new WhileIterator('.phptal_tale($expr,$nothrow).')';
> }
> and then use tal:repeat="x while:obj"
> --
> regards, Kornel
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