The plane of the ester group is almost perpendicular to the planes of the two aromatic rings. O hydrogen bonds that link adjacent molecules into one-dimensional extended chains. O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network in the crystal structure.
No significant hydrogen bonds are observed. O hydrogen bonds result in the formation of an intricate three-dimensional network. The terminal ethyl carboxylate group is coplanar with the fused ring system. The trick is finding something at a decent cost in our area.
O hydrogen bond and the ethoxycarbonyl substituent is almost coplanar with the indole ring system.
N hydrogen bonds, forming a wide ribbon-like structure extending in the ac plane.
The trick is finding something at a decent cost in our area.
O intramolecular hydrogen bonds lead to the formation of a sequence of five-, six- and five-membered rings, respectively, which are edge-fused. O hydrogen bonds, forming a supramolecular assembly.
, tert-butyl, aryl, bromo and methoxy groups, the former two occupy equatorial positions and the latter two are placed axially on the cyclohexanone ring.
N hydrogen-bonding interactions which give rise to dimers in the solid state.
These layers are then packed in a herring-bone arrangement.
N hydrogen bonds link molecules into two-dimensional layers. O hydrogen bonds in addition to van der Waals interactions. It is a glycoluril derivative with five fused rings.
N intermolecular hydrogen bonds. O hydrogen bonds, forming a supramolecular assembly.
Hopefully in the near future I will come.
O hydrogen bonds that link adjacent molecules into one-dimensional extended chains.
It is a glycoluril derivative with five fused rings.
With the exception of the methylene H atoms, all atoms lie on a mirror plane. O intermolecular hydrogen bonds, leading to the formation of a sheet-like structure in the ab plane.
The plane of the ester group is almost perpendicular to the planes of the two aromatic rings. We almost have too much going on, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing.

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