Update of /cvsroot/phpweather/phpweather
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16708

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Update before we make a snapshot.

Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/phpweather/phpweather/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -3 -r1.2 -r1.3
--- ChangeLog   2001/05/19 16:25:42     1.2
+++ ChangeLog   2001/06/27 14:57:46     1.3
@@ -1,3 +1,175 @@
+2001-06-27 14:41  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * VERSION:
+       I think it's time to increment the version number a little...
+2001-06-27 11:36  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * locale_en.php:
+       It has been moved to PHPWEATHER_BASE_DIR/locales.
+2001-06-27 11:35  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * doc/: base_object.html, data_retrieval.html, db_common.html,
+       db_dba.html, db_layer.html, db_mysql.html, db_null.html,
+       db_pgsql.html, frame_packagelist.html, locale_common.html,
+       locale_en.html, metar_parser.html,
+       packageelementlist_PHP_Weather.html, phpdoc_classtree.html,
+       phpdoc_elementlist.html, phpdoc_packagelist.html,
+       phpdoc_xmlfiles.html, phpweather.html:
+       Doc update...
+2001-06-27 11:32  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * configurator.php:
+       Because of the special demands of db_null, we now insert all the
+       stations in one operation by calling $this->db->insert_stations().
+2001-06-27 11:30  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * index.php:
+       Various updates to ensure that it works with the new features.
+2001-06-27 11:29  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * make-release.sh:
+       base_object.php now contains the version-number, so it should be
+       run through sed.
+2001-06-27 11:27  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * locales/: locale_common.php, locale_en.php:
+       All locale-related files should now be stored here.
+2001-06-27 11:26  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * locale_common.php:
+       locale_common.php has been moved to PHPWEATHER_BASE_DIR/locales.
+2001-06-27 11:25  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * defaults-dist.php:
+       Now that all database-related files are stored under
+       PHPWEATHER_BASE_DIR/db/files, there's no need for 'db_path'.
+2001-06-27 11:23  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * phpweather.php:
+       phpweather.php is now used to define the constant
+       PHPWEATHER_BASE_DIR.  So there's no need to set this constant
+       manually.
+2001-06-27 11:22  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * stations.csv:
+       We need to know the country-code for each country. The info in now
+       added infront of the name of each country.
+2001-06-27 11:20  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * db_layer.php:
+       All the different database backends are now stored in
+2001-06-27 11:20  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * data_retrieval.php:
+       Ups, typo.
+2001-06-27 11:19  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * base_object.php:
+       The version should be store here.
+2001-06-27 11:18  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * db/files/: AE.php, AG.php, AL.php, AM.php, AN.php, AO.php,
+       AQ.php, AR.php, AT.php, AU.php, AW.php, AZ.php, BB.php, BD.php,
+       BE.php, BG.php, BH.php, BI.php, BJ.php, BM.php, BN.php, BO.php,
+       BR.php, BS.php, BW.php, BY.php, BZ.php, CA.php, CF.php, CG.php,
+       CH.php, CI.php, CK.php, CL.php, CM.php, CN.php, CO.php, CR.php,
+       CU.php, CV.php, CX.php, CY.php, CZ.php, DE.php, DJ.php, DK.php,
+       DM.php, DO.php, DZ.php, EC.php, EG.php, ES.php, ET.php, FI.php,
+       FJ.php, FM.php, FR.php, GA.php, GB.php, GD.php, GE.php, GF.php,
+       GH.php, GI.php, GL.php, GM.php, GN.php, GP.php, GR.php, GT.php,
+       GW.php, GY.php, HK.php, HN.php, HR.php, HT.php, HU.php, ID.php,
+       IE.php, IL.php, IN.php, IO.php, IR.php, IS.php, IT.php, JM.php,
+       JO.php, JP.php, KE.php, KH.php, KI.php, KM.php, KN.php, KP.php,
+       KR.php, KW.php, KY.php, KZ.php, LA.php, LB.php, LC.php, LK.php,
+       LT.php, LU.php, LY.php, MA.php, MG.php, MH.php, MK.php, ML.php,
+       MM.php, MO.php, MQ.php, MR.php, MT.php, MU.php, MV.php, MW.php,
+       MX.php, MY.php, MZ.php, NC.php, NE.php, NI.php, NL.php, NO.php,
+       NP.php, NR.php, NZ.php, OM.php, PA.php, PE.php, PF.php, PH.php,
+       PK.php, PL.php, PR.php, PT.php, PW.php, PY.php, QA.php, RE.php,
+       RO.php, RU.php, RW.php, SA.php, SB.php, SC.php, SD.php, SE.php,
+       SG.php, SH.php, SI.php, SK.php, SL.php, SN.php, SO.php, SR.php,
+       ST.php, SV.php, SY.php, SZ.php, TD.php, TG.php, TH.php, TJ.php,
+       TN.php, TO.php, TR.php, TT.php, TV.php, TW.php, TZ.php, UA.php,
+       UG.php, UM.php, US.php, UY.php, UZ.php, VC.php, VE.php, VG.php,
+       VI.php, VN.php, VU.php, WS.php, YE.php, YU.php, ZA.php, ZM.php,
+       ZW.php, countries.php, stations.db:
+       These files are needed for db_null to operate. They should be
+       included in the tarball the users download, so that PHP Weather is
+       functional from the very beginning.
+2001-06-27 11:16  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * db/: db_common.php, db_dba.php, db_mysql.php, db_null.php,
+       db_pgsql.php:
+       These files have been updated, so that they work with the new
+       features, like get_countries() etc.
+2001-06-27 11:13  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * db_common.php, db_dba.php, db_mysql.php, db_null.php,
+       db_pgsql.php:
+       I'm moving these files to PHPWEATHER_BASE_DIR/db instead.
+2001-05-21 10:43  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * base_object.php, data_retrieval.php, db_dba.php, db_mysql.php,
+       index.php:
+       There's now a fine station-selector on the page. So far, it only
+       works with the MySQL database (and perhaps with PostgreSQL, if
+       anybody adds support).
+2001-05-20 13:07  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * configurator.php, data_retrieval.php, db_dba.php, db_mysql.php,
+       db_null.php, defaults-dist.php, index.php, metar_parser.php,
+       stations.csv:
+       The reports now include the location... just use get_location() to
+       retrieve it.
+       This means that what was know as a 'station' before is now known as
+       'icao'. So the functions have been renamed - I hope I haven't
+       forgotten something.
+2001-05-19 16:25  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * ChangeLog:
+       Hey - I've generated a ChangeLog...
 2001-05-19 16:24  Martin Geisler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * index.php:

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