Title: - Minor update of language file [...]
Commit from gweltas 2004-12-20 15:52 CET
- Minor update of language file
- Configuration / Default dispaly : maximum height & width

Module File name Revision
phpwebgallery admin/cat_modify.php 1.24 >>> 1.25
phpwebgallery admin/configuration.php 1.39 >>> 1.40
phpwebgallery admin/infos_images.php 1.28 >>> 1.29
phpwebgallery admin/picture_modify.php 1.17 >>> 1.18
phpwebgallery install/config.sql 1.10 >>> 1.11
phpwebgallery language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php 1.38 >>> 1.39
phpwebgallery language/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php 1.11 >>> 1.12
phpwebgallery template/default/admin/configuration.tpl 1.12 >>> 1.13

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