I have the following code:

$cats = $xml->evaluate("//SCAN/IP[@value=".$ip_ip."]/VULNS[1]/CAT");
        foreach ($cats as $cat)

                $cat_atts = $xml->get_attributes($cat);
                $vuln_cat = $cat_atts["value"];
                $vuln_port = $cat_atts["port"];

                $vulns =

                        foreach ($vulns as $vuln)
                        { ......................

On the first pass thru $cat I get only the $vulns for that $cat, however on
the second $cat I get the $vulns for the first and second $cat as can be
seen below.


Is this the way its supposed to work and any suggestions on how to get
around this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help,
Steve Dowell

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