
weird indeed: I tried this:

Weird indeed.

What version of PHP are you running?

4.3.10. On the system you tested this with, what modules were compiled into PHP?

Are you using the version or the files from CVS?

I grabbed a copy of, and the file has the CVS Id $Id: xmlrpc.inc,v 1.20 2003/01/10 22:01:56 dilinger Exp $

By the way, are you testing the exact code you sent?

Pretty much, except for the username and password.

I ask because it looks like the decoding of the response from the xmlrpc server works ok, and it is starnge that decoding works but encoding does not, so I suspect the error could be in the username and password values not being set before creation of the xmlrpcmsg object.

The weird thing is the


response, really.

Mine doesn't get the values yours does.


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