
i have just a quick question on how to access a variable number of parameters in my php client app. The current (w/o variable number of parameters) signature and parameter access looks like this:

$getObjectById_sig = array( array( $xmlrpcStruct, $xmlrpcInt, $xmlrpcString ) ); $getObjectById_doc = 'Returns the Object for a given ObjectID and itemType.';
function getObjectById($m)
   global $xmlrpcerruser;
   $err = "";
   $n = php_xmlrpc_decode($m);
   $objectID     = $n[0];
   $objectType = $n[1];
   // ...

But now the last param $xmlrpcString (later in $objectType) becomes an unknown number of params of the same type (string). The method call I get looks like this, where the last parameters is an unknown amount (here: three).

<?xml version="1.0"?>

How do I have to modify signature and parameter access to achieve a variable number of parameters?

Thanks a lot,
Matthias Korn
phpxmlrpc mailing list

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