I'm copying your mail to the phpxmlrpc mailing list.  I don't currently
have time to answer questions on this software, and I'm not entirely
sure what it is you are asking or telling me.

I will note however that in the absence of any encoding declaration the
XML spec says UTF-8 should be assumed.



On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 11:58, Víctor R. Ruiz wrote:
>   Hi Edd:
>   I'm using your PHP XML-RPC to serve a Blogger API implementation on 
> Blogalia.com. I was having problems with character enconding and 
> seems that your library doesnt return what map is in use.
>   Take a look at this function (well, $xmlrpc_defenconding should be 
> defined elsewhere if it's in blank).
>     function service() {
>         global $xmlrpc_defencoding;
>         $r=$this->parseRequest();
>         $payload="<?xml version=\"1.0\" 
>                       encoding=\"$xmlrpc_defencoding"?>\n" .
>             $this->serializeDebug() .
>             $r->serialize();
>         Header("Content-type: text/xml\r\nContent-length: " .
>                      strlen($payload));
>         print $payload;
>     }
>   Greetings,
> -- 
> Víctor R. Ruiz           | - Todos estos momentos se perderán, como
> http://rvr.infoastro.com |   lágrimas en la lluvia.
Edd Dumbill ------------| phone: +44 1904 427740 |------------------
 | Managing Editor, XML.com, XMLhack.com  --  Chair, XML Europe 2002
 | I PGP sign my email; more info at http://heddley.com/edd/pgp.html

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