lucasjordan wrote:

> I seem to have started down a possibly foolish path and I wanted to
> get some feedback.

Nothing foolish about this -- several piccolo developers have thoughts
in this direction as well.

> I have started porting Piccolo to the new HTML5 Canvas API.

See also

> Basically I am using GWT to take as much of the Java Code from
> Piccolo2D  and use the project gwt-canvas to provide the Graphics2D
> type functionality. Since Piccolo depends so heavily on java.awt and
> java.awt.geom and the awt packages are not supported in GWT I am
> including a copy of those source files in the GWT project. For
> example, Piccolo depends on java.awt.Rectangle, so I copy the existing
> Rectangle class to a java.gwt.Rectangle and simply change the import
> statement in the Piccolo code.

I don't think copying java code through GWT is the right direction to
go.  If you're planning on writing javascript, write it directly.
There are several vis libraries written on javascript already,



JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

> Copying the awt classes looks like it is going to work in general but
> there are few problems which have shown themselves. First, most of the
> geometry type classes (Rectangle2D, Point2D, etc) only depend on them
> selves and java.lang.Math, so this makes them viable classes to be
> used with GWT, but some of them depends on internal*
> classes, which I don't currently have the source code for. The second
> problem as I have not had a chance to review the legal issue in
> reusing Oracle's code in this way. I has occurred to me I might have
> better luck taking the code from Apache's project harmony, but again I
> have not gotten that far. For that matter I am not sure about altering
> the Piccolo2D code either.

Piccolo2D's license is clear.  So is Project Harmony's.  Using JDK
code is much more iffy.


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