First off, thanks for your comments.

I originally wrote this app using jogl, but it was just too low level and
when I prototyped it in piccolo2d, I just fell in love with the api. The
ease of which I could export to PDF was a real winner for me. I addition is
exported as scalable vector graphics which makes it zoomable in acrobat.

So in other words - yes I am using the code as you have described.

Yes please for the link on the applications page.

I take it the "I have an outstanding todo" is an invitation to help out?

On 21 November 2011 17:27, Michael Heuer <> wrote:

> Robert wrote:
> > I am in the process of developing an application to view and
> > eventually edit autocad DXF files.
> >
> > A first version has been posted on my web site and is available for
> > download along with a sample dxf file.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any comments gratefully received.
> >
> > Keep up the good work. Piccolo2D is a pleasure to develop with!
> Cool app, thanks for the note.  Let us know if you would like a link
> on the Piccolo2D applications page
> For exporting to PDF, I assume you are using iText's PdfGraphics2D
> mechanism?
>  Document document = new Document(new Rectangle(150, 150));
>  PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new
> FileOutputStream(filename));
>  PdfContentByte pdfCanvas = writer.getDirectContent();
>  Graphics2D g2 = pdfCanvas.createGraphics(150, 150);
>  PCanvas pCanvas = ...;
>  pCanvas.paint(g2);
> I have an outstanding todo item regarding exporting that I need to get
> around to soon
>   michael
> --
> Piccolo2D Developers Group:

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