Hi Tomas,

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 09:59:07AM +0100, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:
> >    : (filter '((This) (= *D (: doc))) (collect 'usr '+Pat *U))
> Yes, that's what I wanted.  I thought it was possible to avoid
> collecting the whole list constraining the search space before
> collecting the values.

If the list returned by 'collect' is possibly rather long, there are two
better methods:

1. You could use the Pilog functions 'pilog' or 'solve' and 'select'

         @U *U
         @D *D
         (select (@Pat)
            ((usr +Pat @U) (doc +Pat @D))
            (same @U @Pat usr)
            (same @D @Pat doc) ) )
      (.. do something with the value of '@Pat' ...) )

         @U *U
         @D *D
         (select (@Pat)
            ((usr +Pat @U) (doc +Pat @D))
            (same @U @Pat usr)
            (same @D @Pat doc) ) )
      -> returns a list

   'select' is more efficient than a 'collect' in combination with
   'filter', as it traverses the search trees more intelligently.

2. The most efficient way is to use an '+Aux' key. This generates a
   combined key in addition to the two indexes for 'usr' and 'doc'.

   (class +Pat +Entity)
   (rel doc (+Ref +Link) NIL (+Doc))
   (rel usr (+Aux +Ref +Link) (doc) NIL (+Usr))

This will cause the 'usr' index to hold combinations of 'usr' and 'doc'.
You can then find all matching hits directly with

   : (collect 'usr '+Pat (list *U *D))

but also still use the "normal" way

   : (collect 'usr '+Pat *U)

- Alex
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