Hi Henrik,

> I suppose I have to refer to my own stuff for completeness here too
> then.

Yes. Though I knew about your work, and we've discussed it in the past,
I must confess that I didn't remember it when I saw the RosettaCode task

Your library is much more general and complete. Yet, for RosettaCode, a
plain little functional solutions should do. It has the advantage that
it is serves more easily as a PicoLisp coding example (the purpose of
RosettaCode after all).

> It will solve some ambiguous situations with some help from the caller
> and will also encode "real" PL objects (not just paired lists).

Conversion of real objects to/from paired lists could be done with
'putl'/'getl' (as you also do), combined with a 'mapcar' or so.

The main difference of the simple solution is that it uses I/O instead
of strings. This has both disadvantages (needs extra wrenching when
strings are needed) and advantages (faster and easier when using it via
sockets, which is I think the more typical case).

The I/O solution is particularly simple, because the built-in 'read'
function does all the parsing.

- Alex
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  • JSON Alexander Burger
    • Re: JSON Henrik Sarvell
      • Re: JSON Alexander Burger

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