Hi Edwin,

> again, thank you for adding the license!

you are welcome;-)

> reading further down this thread, say you were off to Japan. welcome
> back.

Thank you!

> i'm currently using java.wl to understand which methods from the C
> implementation can be implemented in pure picolisp.

That was my aim when I wrote wl.  The file wl.java contains minimal java
core.  You can have a look at java.wl file.  It contains lisp code to
implement most of the picolisp functions.

Currently, it is not possible to implement many of the picolisp standard
library functions in pure picolisp because some low level mechanism is
missing from the C code.  IIRC it's mainly about adding version of basic
functions that would evaluate arguments.  These are called with the dot
character at the end of the name in the wl code I think.

Hope it helps.


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