I see, then we do like this instead:

(de http (S)
   (use (*Post L @U @H @X)
      (off *Port% *ContLen *Cookies "*Cookies" "*HtSet")
      (catch "http"
         (in S
               ((not (setq L (line)))
                (task (close S))
                (off S)
                (throw "http") )
               ((match '("G" "E" "T" " " "/" @U " " "H" "T" "T" "P" "/" "1"
"." @H) L)
                (setq *Get)
                (setq L (split @U "?"))
                (for KeyVal (split (cadr L) "&")
                   (let Res (split KeyVal "=")
                      (put '*Get (list (ht:Pack (car Res)) (ht:Pack (cadr
Res)))) ) )
                (setq *Get (getl '*Get)) )
               ((match '("P" "O" "S" "T" " " "/" @U " " "H" "T" "T" "P" "/"
"1" "." @H) L)
                (setq *Post)
                (off *MPartLim *MPartEnd)
                   (*MPartLim (_htMultipart))
                   ((if *ContLen (ht:Read @) (line))
                    (for L (split @ '&)
                       (when (cdr (setq L (split L "=")))
                          (push '*Post (list (ht:Pack (car L)) (ht:Pack
(cadr L)))) ) ) )
                   (T (throw "http")) ) )
                  (out S
                           (match '(@U " " @ " " "H" "T" "T" "P" . @) L)
                           (member @U
                                 ("O" "P" "T" "I" "O" "N" "S")
                                 ("H" "E" "A" "D")
                                 ("P" "U" "T")
                                 ("D" "E" "L" "E" "T" "E")
                                 ("T" "R" "A" "C" "E")
                                 ("C" "O" "N" "N" "E" "C" "T") ) ) )
                        (httpStat 501 "Method Not Implemented" "Allow: GET,
                        (httpStat 400 "Bad Request") ) )
                  (task (close S))
                  (off S)
                  (throw "http") ) )
            (out S
                  ((= '! (car @U))
                   (apply (val (intern (ht:Pack (cdr @U)))) L) )
                  ((tail '("." "l") @U)
                   (apply script L *Url) )
                  (T (httpEcho *Url "application/octet-stream" 1 T)) ) ) ) )
      (and S (=0 *Http1) (task (close S))) ) )

And then we can fetch values like this:

(de req (Key)
   (cadr (assoc Key *Post)))

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>wrote:

> Hi Henrik,
> >    (put '*Post "key" "value")
> > ..
> >
> > (("value" . "key") ("value" . "key")) "value"
> >
> > I don't get it, isn't the put statement before ht:Out supposed to replace
> > "value" under "key"?
> In principle, yes. However, the property functions use pointer equality,
> so if the key is a transient symbol, you must make sure that all
> occurrences of "key" mean the same, identical symbol. This is not the
> case if the string "key" is read during a transaction, while "key" in
> the program code was read from a source file or console session.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --
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