I haven't tested that yet but I think that is exactly what I was looking for 
there.  Might be something to consider adding to pilog.l  Seems to be fairly 
standard in prologs - and useful for creating parsers :-)

Beautiful code, thanks again so much! 



--- On Wed, 7/20/11, Alexander Burger <> wrote:

> From: Alexander Burger <>
> Subject: Re: pilog and Definite Clause Grammar (DCG)
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 2:20 AM
> Hi Doug,
> > What's the best way to handle Definite Clause Grammar
> syntax in pilog?
> > ..
> > So, I'm hoping for some pilog rules or a macro maybe
> that can handle
> > the --> (or equivalent) of DCG in pilog :-)
> I don't fully understand the context or purpose, but
> says that "DCG notation is just syntactic sugar for normal
> definite
> clauses in Prolog".
> So you can write a function 'dcg' which does the necessary
> translation.
> I would simply call 'be' here, using 'macro' because 'be'
> doesn't
> evaluate its arguments (i.e. is a FEXPR):
>    (de dcg CL
>       (macro
>          (be
>             ^(if (pair (cadr
> CL))
>    (list (car CL) (list (cons (caadr CL) '@A)
> '@A))
>    (cons
>   (car CL)
>   '("@In" "@Out")
>   (let Vars
>      (make
>         (link "@In")
>         (for (I . @) (cddr CL)
>            (link (pack
> "@" I)) )
>         (link "@Out") )
>      (mapcar list
>         (cdr CL)
>         Vars
>         (cdr Vars) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
> With that, the example in Wikipedia could be written as
>    (dcg sentence  nounPhrase
> verbPhrase)
>    (dcg nounPhrase  det noun)
>    (dcg verbPhrase  verb nounPhrase)
>    (dcg det [the])
>    (dcg det [a])
>    (dcg noun [cat])
>    (dcg noun [bat])
>    (dcg verb [eats])
> This expands to
>    : (rules 'sentence 'nounPhrase
> 'verbPhrase 'det 'noun 'verb)
>    1 (be sentence ("@In" "@Out") (nounPhrase
> "@In" "@1") (verbPhrase "@1" "@Out"))
>    1 (be nounPhrase ("@In" "@Out") (det
> "@In" "@1") (noun "@1" "@Out"))
>    1 (be verbPhrase ("@In" "@Out") (verb
> "@In" "@1") (nounPhrase "@1" "@Out"))
>    1 (be det ((the . @A) @A))
>    2 (be det ((a . @A) @A))
>    1 (be noun ((cat . @A) @A))
>    2 (be noun ((bat . @A) @A))
>    1 (be verb ((eats . @A) @A))
>    -> verb
> Does this help?
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> -- 

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