The new % would solve some problems and you are right about the mapcar thing
which can be annoying.

However the ambiguity as to which class is controlling the behavior of func%
remains but can perhaps be mitigated by yet another convention requiring you
to put the context call in a special place, like in the er.l file of a
project or some such?

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 12:05 AM, Alexander Burger <>wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 05:50:07PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> > ...
> >    (class +Add)
> >
> >    (dp foo% (X Y)
> >       (+ X Y) )
> >
> >    (dp bar% (X Y Z)
> >       (+ X Y Z) )
> BTW, another serious drawback with the (foo> '+Cls <arg>) approach is
> that you can't easily do some things which make Lisp so powerful, which
> you can do with a function like 'foo%', e.g
>   (mapcar 'foo% ..)
> Instead, you must write a full anonymous function
>   (mapcar '((X) (foo> '+Cls X)) ..)
> Same with 'apply', 'pass' etc.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --

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