Hi Alex,

Very nice! I welcome that search function.
When I tried it, I found an interesting article I hadn't seen before:
"Need for Speed". And I spotted a small typo: "The are, however, not"
should probably be "They are ...". I leave it to you to correct it, as I
don't want to "steal" your article. ;-)


> Hi all,
> the PicoLisp Wiki at http://home.picolisp.com now has a search field.
> With that, you can do a full-text search through all documents. The
> search is case-insensitive (more specifically, it uses 'fold' from
> http://software-lab.de/doc/refF.html#fold), and does a logical AND with
> all input words.
> The modified sources, as before, at http://software-lab.de/wiki.tgz
> Cheers,
> - Alex

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