I'm always keeping my options open so I don't have to rewrite a lot of
stuff later if I realize I need for instance encapsulation.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Joe Bogner <joebog...@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Henrik, Hi Joe,
> > Thank you for sharing. I have also thought about using redis for
> > session state.
> I find that quite interesting too.
> > I tend to use picolisp in more of a functional form possibly because
> > its a breath of fresh air after 10 years of oop in c#.  I sometimes
> > wonder when its a good fit to mix in oop in picolisp.
> The last sentence addresses a question I have (or rather two question
> about one topic):
> Say I want to write a parser in PicoLisp that parses Org-mode files
> (with their outline tree structure) and stores the structure and
> contents of the file in persistent objects in a database, allowing to
> reconstruct the file on demand (and to query the content, recombine it,
> or to use it in a web-application).
> The tree-structure of the document could be represented naturally by a
> class hierarchy, and each element-class could not only store the
> elements content and meta-data, but also have specialised methods for
> parsing org-mode-elements of its type. So the main parser only would
> have to recognize an element-type, create a new object of this type,
> and call its parsing method that stores all the stuff inside the element
> as well as its meta-data in 'This.
> Questions:
> 1. Would that be a reasonable application of oop in PicoLisp? How does
>    it compare to parse a wiki-file and store the nested elements in a
>    nested list?
> The reason I would want oop is to allow for big data and to be able to
> quickly select/filter elements and to export them to some kind of
> thematic wiki-file (agenda files that show entries for dates, or topics,
> or certain tags etc. )
> 2. What about version management in the database (without reinventing
>    GIT or so)?
> Since Org-mode files are plain text, VC like Git is perfect to manage
> changes over time. What if such a text-file has been parsed and its
> content stored in a OO-PicoLisp DB -  how would one deal with changes,
> updates, keeping history without starting to write its own version
> control system? Simpy check if the original text-file has changed, and
> if so, parse it again and replace the content in the already existing
> objects?
> Or is there a smarter way that minimizes parsing and stores only the
> diffs, keeping the history somehow?
> --
> cheers,
> Thorsten
> --
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