What tasks?, what even is this? :)

On April 29, 2015 at 10:57 AM Mike Pechkin <mike.pech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> With backbone support from Mr.Burger all tasks were implemented.
> Sources in bitbucket here: http://goo.gl/fhymP8
> Notes:
> o) favourite - #52 Intro to Destructuring (easy.l)
> o) the most interesting - #140 Veitch, Please! (hard.l)
> o) Some tasks ignored
> o) Comments, patches, objections and polish stuff are welcome.
> p.s.
> Alexander Burger (author of PicoLisp) is free for hiring.
> CV available by request.
> http://software-lab.de
> Mike
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