Hi everyone,

I've submitted PicoLisp as a TinyCore Linux (http://tinycorelinux.net/)
extension for x86_64 (64-bit) architecture. An armv7 (32-bit Raspberry Pi
2) extension has also been built and submitted, but is not in the official
TinyCore repo yet.

It is split into 3 extensions:

- picolisp (the picolisp binary only)
- picolisp-lib (libs, games, debug, misc, etc) <-- most people will want
- picolisp-doc (reference documentation)

Current version: 3.1.11

Installation: tce-load -wi picolisp picolisp-lib picolisp-doc

You can also get the extensions and source build scripts from GitHub:

As discussed with Mr. Burger, I am happy to be the official maintainer of
PicoLisp for TinyCore, so feel free to contact me for updates, adjustments,
or other questions regarding this.


*https://aw.github.io/picolisp/* <https://aw.github.io/picolisp/>

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