Hello list.  I've been following the pilOS progress and very interested in
running picolisp on bare metal.

After following the instructions my exploration was halted shortly after
booting.  "Welcome to pilOS!" line followed by "Error 9" whatever that is.

This was on an Asus C300MA Chromebook, dual core celeron recognized as
64-bit, removed the write protect screw and installed Jon Lewis' BIOS,
ultimately installing Manjaro GNU/Linux onto.

Some other possible platforms to explore may be the OpenSPARC T2 (64-Bit,
Gpl2 licensed, SoC) or perhaps RISC-V which is a 64-bit BSD licensed SoC on
an FPGA for a fully open OS running on a fully open processor.  While I'm
not sure how to convert existing assembly code to these architectures I'm
willing to help however possible to create a picolisp all the way down

No matter what happens I'm excited for pilOS and picolisp, thanks for the
excellent language Alex and everyone else's efforts as well!
On Jul 10, 2015 1:37 PM, "Alexander Burger" <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 07:03:28PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> > > What could PilOS be used for?
> > ...
> And of course it represents the essence of PicoLisp: Being totally in
> control, and knowing every single machine instruction in your machine
> personally.
> This thrill alone was worth the effort :)
> ♪♫ Alex
> --
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