
i was wrong, i take a part of my words back.
problem in native.l, not gcc.l
patch attached, now sunos works:

# pil +
: (load "@lib/fp.l")
-> dmodf
: (s2r "11.11")
-> 1093780111
: (cons *OS *CPU (== 64 64))
-> ("SunOS" "x86-64" . T)

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Mike Pechkin <mike.pech...@gmail.com>

> have you compiled fp.c 64bit too ?
> ​you missed the point:​
> o) look at my original email
> o) i've tested *inline* version
> o) gcc function not ported to solaris and doesnt have default branch in
> case to fatal. (file gcc.l)
> o) on linux library works

Attachment: native-sunos.patch
Description: Binary data

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