Hi Alex,

BUT, I see a general problem with that: Allowing the specification of
> styles is not very helpful unless the user can also upload or define his
> own styles. So this opens a pandora box.

Thanks for playing around with it. The only thing I can think of - without
opening the box - is to use inline styles. Something like,

   ${"font-weight: bold; color: red;"
      1{bold red header}

   -> <span style="font-weight: bold; color: red;">...</span>

This has several drawbacks, however. Doing anything more complex than the
above example would add a lot of noise to the page as there's no way to
create a class to contain the desired styles. It is also not possible to
access pseudo elements or '@' rules (e.g. '@media screen and (...)') using
inline CSS. Without those, I wouldn't be able to achieve the desired

A possible workaround would be to hard code the necessary CSS into the
'wiki.css' file. But that seems clunky and totally defeats the purpose of
extending the markup syntax in the first place.

I don't think it's worth opening pandora's box for a feature that I have in
mind for only one document.

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