Hi Anas,

> PicoLisp Speaks Your Language:
> How to translate PicoLisp functions into your language.
> http://pico-lisp.blogspot.gr/p/picolisp-translations.html

Thanks! Interesting idea! :)

Note that there is a more general way of changing the names in PicoLisp.

Instead of defininig *new* functions with the new names

   (setq pon (copy setq))

you could also *rename* the symbols themselves. This has the advantage
that not only newly written programs appear in this language, but also
all functions already loaded into the system (further files to be loaded
must be in the new language then).

Now, renaming can be done with the 'name' function. Because an internal
symbol cannot be renamed, it must be first uninterned and then interned
again. So you could do

      '((Sym Name)
         (zap Sym)
         (name Sym Name)  # Rename the symbol
         (intern Sym) )
      '(setq let print println if if2 ...)
      '(pon pon-local imprime imprime-nl si si2 ...) )

♪♫ Alex
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